City Dental Hospital
Tips for a healthier smile

A healthy smile is not all about white teeth! Gums, the bone surrounding your teeth, salivary glands, and the soft tissue in your mouth are also essential components of a healthy smile.

Well, it takes some effort to realize your maximum #mouthgoals, but every step is worth your while. You’ll be pleased with yourself for taking care of your oral hygiene needs, and your dentist will be impressed with your determination to take care of what’s so crucial for not only your oral health but the wellness of your entire body.

Here are a few tips below to get that healthy and charming smile.

1. Floss before you brush

According to the Journal of Periodontology (JOP) recent study within the US says that flossing before brushing removes more plaque. This is why most dentists recommend flossing before you sweep your teeth.
The study also found that fluoride aids in preventing cavities, and cavities stayed within the mouth at a better concentration when patients flossed before brushing.

2. Use an electric toothbrush with soft bristles.

Electric toothbrushes with an automatic alternating or rotating action are more manageable than manual toothbrushes.

Most dentists recommend employing a toothbrush with soft bristles as people tend to use excessive pressure when brushing. Soft bristles help to guard your gums and teeth.

3. See your hygienist twice a year.

Routine cleanings assist in achieving good oral health and a gorgeous smile. When your cleanings are irregular, you’ll develop periodontitis which will cause unsightly swollen, receding and bleeding gums. It’s also linked to health conditions like attack, stroke, diabetes, obesity, premature births, and apnea.

4. Replace missing teeth

A missing tooth influences the aesthetics of your smile and can cause a spread of oral problems. If you have a missing tooth within the back, this might shift your chewing forces to the front. It will then push the front teeth to flare and make unwanted spaces in between them. Additionally, a missing tooth also can affect the jawbone structure and gum tissues.

5. Stick to a Routine

Forming a habit of brushing and flossing every day will drastically prevent future oral problems. Routinely moving the bacteria that build up in your mouth through regular brushing and flossing is best thanks to combat bacteria that cause gum disease, bad breath, and cavities.

6. Drink Water

Instead of drinking sugary or acidic beverages, increase your water intake. Not only will your overall health improve, but your teeth will thank you! Water helps rinse the mouth, improve lousy breath, and clean food that sticks to teeth and feeds the harmful bacteria. When increasing water intake, you’ll notice fewer stains on your teeth from coffee, wine, or soda.

7. Address Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is the top risk factor for cavities. Your saliva naturally washes your teeth and helps combat bacterial colonies that grow on them. If you think that you’ll have xerostomia, tell your hygienist that they can make a custom treatment plan for you. Not only is xerostomia uncomfortable, but it’s dangerous to the health of your teeth also.

8. Avoid biting into hard things.

To protect your teeth from chipping, it’s essential to avoid chewing on hard items like pens, toothpicks, or ice. All of those can wear your teeth down if you chew on them continuously.

The dentists also recommend cutting up hard foods rather than biting directly onto them. This is often simple thanks to taking care of your smile.

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Dr. Anand Jasani and Dr. Rashmi jasani from City Dental Hospital, Rajkot