City Dental Hospital

Dental cavities are also known as or caries, which is the most common dental problem amongst children. Cavities usually need to be drilled and then filled to prevent tooth decay from getting worse.

The most productive way to prevent tooth decay is by brushing daily and strengthening them with fluoride. Eating healthy and avoiding candy or sweets is also good for your teeth.

Here 3 ways to help your teenage child avoid cavities.

1. Encourage them to Chew Sugar-Free Gum

You may try to control your teen’s diet, but they may eat sugary snacks and drinks with their friends or at school. These unhealthy meals can produce bacteria biofilms, or plaque, which then create cavities.

They can choose a better option such as sugar-free gum to boost saliva flow. Saliva is the natural way of cleaning oral cavities. While it is majorly made up of water, saliva holds antibacterial chemicals, minerals, and proteins.
All these components assist in washing away acidic products and preserving the teeth enamel from demineralization.

Lack of saliva production can lead to xerostomia, commonly known as ‘dry mouth’. It can increase the chances of cavities significantly but chewing sugar-free can help.

2. Have a Pediatric Dentist Apply Sealants

Sealants are plastic coverings that your dentist applies to the grooves of teeth. According to the American Dental Association (ADA) using sealants to your child’s teeth can significantly reduce the risk of cavities. As the name recommends, sealants seal out debris.

Some parents are concerned about the protection of sealants since they are made of plastic. However, they have unfinished levels of BPA, hence they’re safe for teens.
Once the sealants are used, they can last for several years with proper care. It is important to take your child to regular dental cleanings to check if the sealants are broken or worn.

3. Buy an Oral Irrigator

A lot of teens struggle with regular flossing and cleaning interproximal spaces. If teens avoid this habit, they are at a higher risk of developing interproximal cavities. The bristles of a toothbrush may not be able to clean these areas appropriately.

Without regular flossing, a teen has a chance of gingivitis and gum disease. Gum disease occurs if flossing habits are poor.

If teens try to floss again after a lengthy break, it can be painful and could cause bleeding gums. In this case, consider investing in an oral irrigator. These tools shoot a stream of water to reach interproximal spaces, thus diminishing cavities. Oral irrigators are also great at promoting gum health since they can reach areas that your teen may be missing with regular floss. Some investigations have found oral irrigators to be more effective than traditional floss.

Consider these approaches if you’re looking to avoid cavities. If your child brushes and flosses regularly but is still getting cavities, they may need to evaluate their overall health. Take a look at food labels to see how much sugar your family is consuming. Then talk with your dentist for more guidance on how to improve teens avoid cavities.

We make smiles beautiful!

 A healthy smile and better well-being, all start at City Dental Hospital. Experience the highest dental healthcare standards with state-of-the-art technology, and durable bio-friendly materials that focus on all preventive, painless, and cosmetic dental procedures in Rajkot at City Dental Hospital. With our years of experience, we are committed to providing patients with superior dental health and a complete range of services to give them the smile that they deserve.

At City Dental Hospital, the top Dental Hospital in Gujarat, we offer flexible timing, individual attention, affordability, accurate explanation of treatments, and excellent patient care. Here, we follow strict and stringent hygiene protocols.

If you also want to change something about your smile, consider dental veneers.

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